
Vivaah actress Amrita Rao, who was last seen in NawazuddinSiddiqui starrer Thackeray is the latest Bollywood celebrity to fall prey tohackers. The actress' Twitter account was hacked a couple of days ago while shewas recovering from a viral infection. Her social media team has reported theincident to Twitter India. Amrita is also willing to report the incident tocybercrime cell. In an interaction with TOI, Amrita narrated how her Twittergot hacked.


''It all happened last week. I got a DM (direct message)from a leading TV channel’s account, stating that they want to publish anarticle about me, but they need my approval for it. My social media team openedthe link. It asked for the password of my account, and then it didn’t leadanywhere. Eventually, I was locked out of my own Twitter account, and despiteall our efforts to log in again, we couldn’t access it again. Nothing workedalthough we followed the procedure that’s mentioned on the website,'' she said.

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